Tour-Operator Reservation System for Tailor-made Holidays

Documentation: Admin - automated emails


The system supports running exports on a scheduled basis, with the result been emailed to a relevant staff member, or to the client.

For staff members:-
Automated reports - see the report documentation

For your customers:-
Departing Soon message - a message sent a given number of days before the holiday departure date
Welcome Home message - a message (typically a request for feedback) sent after the holiday end date
[Other messages such as first anniversary can be supported if needed - contact the help desk].

Automated emails to your customers 

The messages are defined using a template for the holiday module, which enables their non-scheduled use (and testing) by using the Export dialog in the usual way; default templates are available. 

Automatic scheduling is not enabled by default; it is possible to force a delivery of all due messages (ie whose offset depature or return date is today) using the "Send" items in the Tools Application menu .

The destination of the emails (automated, exported, or using the tools menu) depends on the client setup; they may be delivered to the staff member assigned to the appropriate holiday, the staff member using the export dialog, or directly to the client.

When a message is sent using the tools menu or by schedule (but not when exported), the system logs the sending of the message, and the message will not be sent again. If the client requests a re-send, use the export dialog.

Once you are happy that your templates are suitable, and wish to enable scheduled delivery, contact the help desk to have it enabled.