Tour-Operator Reservation System for Tailor-made Holidays

Documentation: Reports


The system comes with a set of default reports available to all clients; it is also possible to have reports available only to your tour operator.

If you have multiple TourOp's configured, a report normally includes the option to report against any selection of brands.

Reports can also query external systems, if those systems make it possible - for instance see 'Google analytics' below.

If the report you need does not exist, submit a feature request with a description of the required options and results, plus examples if relevant.

Status Update: Quote / Sales Summary

Without directly running a report, the current quotes and booking numbers for the day/week/month/financial year can immediately be seen within the Report box on the main Menu tab. These values are updated at login, and periodically after that. To force an immediate update press the 'Status' button within the Report box.

The status is displayed as lines with the format "Today: QT 5, RQ 1, BK 2, Val 3850", which indicate that today:-
  • 5 new quotes have been created (not counting any revisions added to existing quotes)
  • 1 quote was accepted by a client, and is nit yet a confirmed booking (may be a quote created prior to today) 
  • 2 bookings were fully confirmed 
  • The total value of the 2 confirmed bookings is 3850. 
The F/Year line reflects values for the Tour Operator's Financial Year - The month used for this is a system setting .

Running a report
  1. Click on the "Menu" application tab
  2. Click on "Run Reports" in thee report box
  3. Select a report from the Report drop down (see below for a sample of built-in reports)
  4. Report parameters are displayed below the report drop down; obligatory items are in red
  5. When you have entered at least the obligatory parameters, click "Run Report" in the report Toolbar
  6. The values the report used for any parameters you did not set are shown.
  7. The report is displayed in the main window
  8. To run the report with different parameters, alter as needed , or press enter, the report is re-run automatically
  9. To refresh the report to pick-up recent changes press "Run Report"
  10. To email, print, or import the report into another application use the "Export" button in the Report Toolbar
    Use CSV to import a report into a spreadsheet; HTML if you want to embed the reprot in an email.
  11. When finished, close the Report Tab using the 'X' on Application Tab.

Date Formats

Report date inputs accept the following formats. The formats that do not reference a specific date are useful when bookmarking reports, or scheduling for automatic emails. 
  • 2011-11-01
  • 21nov11      - Uses current century
  • 21nov         - The most recent 21st November at the time the report is run. e.g. on 1Jan2012 it will give 21Nov2011
  • today          - The date that the report is run. Alias: now
  • week start   - first day of the week in which the report is run - Monday is first day 
  • week end    - last day of week in which report is run 
  • month start, month end, quarter start, quarter end, year start, year end - first or last day of given period 
  • next week   - 7 days after the day on which the report is run - week can be replaced by day, month or year
  • prev week   - 7 days before the day on which the report is run - week can be replaced by day, month or year. Alias: last
  • +2day         - 2days after report is run. Negative allowed "- 5 days"; units: day, week, month, year.
  • next month month start   - first day of month after the report is run - The formats can be joined
  • Next month Next month  - About two months from the date the report is run - Uses current day number if valid, otherwise the next nearest e.g. on 25Jul11, this gives 25Sep11; on 31Jul11 this gives 30Sep11 
  • ws, we, nw, pw, lw, nm, ...   -  Abbreviations for the equivalent words e.g. "ws" and "week start" are equivalent 

Automated reports

Reports can be e-mailed to you automatically on a scheduled basis. There is no user interface for creating schedules at present  - contact the help desk with the name of the report, a schedule and the report parameters. Note that you generally want to give relative dates (see Date Formats above) rather  absolute dates.

Google Analytics

Some reports allow merging data from Google Analytics against the data from the reservation system, Where this is the case, the report will normally display an option to set the Analytics Profile to query, and possibly an option to turn the merge on/off. 

The default Profile to use can be set in the System Preferences (key: google_analytics_profile). 

In order for the back-office system to query data from your Google Analytics Profile you must grant access. If access has not been granted, the report will not include the analytics data, and may include a report line indicating the reason. To grant access:-

  1. From the Tools menu, select 'Google Auth' -> Analytics
  2. A new window will be shown; in this window login to Google and/or Grant access as requested
  3. A message will be displayed in that window to confirm that access is granted; the window can then be closed
  4. Re-run the report to bring in the analytics data

The Built-in reports

A summary of some of the built-in reports and some of the parameters and report columns within those reports. 
[If you need further support for a report, contact the help desk].

Category: Check

Reports in the Check category identify booking/quotes/product that need attention, or provide summary data that can be used to confirm that business is performing as expected.

Cost Adjuster Use:-
Report on the  adjusters  that have been used in bookings - for instance which special offers have generated bookings, or the value "spent" accepting price match bookings.

Report on each booking and individual supplier within the booking to indicate the difference between (quoted) buy/sell in the servce and actual payment in the ledger.
Margin +/-: Indicates the difference between the quoted margin and the actual margin; positive indicates a higher margin than expected.  Note that this is not accurate until the supplier has been paid. 
Should the margin +/0- value be significant for a particular booking, that booking should be investigated. If it is significant over a range of time it indicates an issue with contract loading, or that you have the opportunity to lower your prices.

Missing Contract Rates:-
For the given departure date, look to see if each supplier has rates loaded for that date, list any suppliers (with contact details) that do not have rates. 

Product Markup / Margin:-
Displays the margins given by suppliers / default markups for all loaded product. Optionally restrict by location or supplier. Note that commission will be zero if net rates have been loaded instead of rack rates.

Services to be Cancelled:-
Lists any services in bookings that are cancelled which have been requested, confirmed,  or cancellation requested, but for which the cancellation has not been confirmed.

Unconfirmed/Unpaid Bookings:-
Reports on every accepted holiday departing between the given dates, displaying the status of each service in the holiday and each  holiday action .

Category: Ledger

Reports in the Ledger category identify existing and expected client and supplier payments.

Cashflow Balance :-
Determine overall financial state. 
Bank balance 1 and 2 can be loaded with the current balance of different bank accounts (converted to the Tour Operator sales currency). 
CC/DC Fee % can be set to the % fee the processor is charging, and the 'Add CC/DC since' date is used to indicate the date from which payments from the processor are outstanding.

Client Payments :-
Receipts/Refunds for clients filtered by payment type (e.g. credit or debit card), issuer and receiving bank account.

Find Payments:-
Similar to the Client Payments report, also allows searching existing Supplier ledger entries, bank account, and other filters.

Supplier Payments:-
Report the supplier payments due/paid for services groups by supplies in each holiday, taking into account the  Supplier Payment Rules .
Service Start from/till: Only services starting between these dates
Supplier: Only services for this supplier id, or multiple supplier id's separated with a comma (,)
Report Results:-
ID, Type: Indicate the supplier the row refers to
Cost: Total quoted cost of services supplier by supplier for the holiday
Paid: indicated the total value of ledger entries made to the supplier for the holiday
Unpaid: difference between Cost and Paid
DepDue and ReqDep: The date deposit is/was due, and the amount of deposit based on the quoted cost
BalDue and ReqBal: Date balance is/was due and balance value of Cost - expected deposit.
The Deposit and Balance columns are empty if there is no applicable Supplier Payment rule
The totals for each supplier are given in the rows at the bottom of the table. 

Payments after year end:-
Reports total  supplier payments made per booking since year end (or other cut-off date) for bookings departing within a selected date range. 
Holiday Start Min/Max: set the departure date of interest (normally covering the previous financial year)
Sum payments since: set the cut-off date to use - defaults to the start of the Tourop's financial year as set in system settings .  

Category: Overview
Reports in the Overview category display general results

General Summary:-
A mix of data from other reports in order to provide a quick overview of sales and booking status.

Hotels in cost order:-
List hotels for the selected destination(s) in order of their sell price on the given date. Useful for sales staff to quickly determine which hotels may fall within a clients budget. Note that the prices shown should not be quoted to customers, since they are only the hotel price so may not include all elements, and it cannot not record that client has been given a quote.

Quick Status Data :-
This report provides the data displayed on the Main Menu as described at the top of this page, and is normally viewed that way. 

Category: Sales

Reports in the Sales category are based on data from quotes/bookings.

ATOL Holder's Report:-
Provides the Booking Revenue, Pax and ATOL-to-ATOL counts for bookings and departures in the given period.
Select the start date and period (Quarter or Year) relevant to the ATOL license.

Beds / Bookings per Hotel / Resort:-
Report the number of bookings, or individual bookings, and bed nights (pax*length of stay) between booking or departure dates for a given location or hotel. See also the "Supplier Bookings" report. 
ID CSV: A list of place or hotel codes (depending on the Location type setting) separated by commas. 

Booking Detail:-
Report booking status and financials for each booking between chosen booking or departure dates.
Lead: the name of the client assigned to the booking.
QtMarkup: the margin between the sell and buy values in the service entries - these are normally entered at quote time, and should not be altered to match supplier invoices.
CurMarkup: The margin between income and outgoings to date, and taking into account the (quoted) amount still due to suppliers (as  shown in ToPay). This value can be expected to change at least until all suppliers are paid (i.e. until ToPay is 0)

Booking / Quote Summary:-
Report number of quotes, revisions, conversions, booking value and cancellations between booking or departure dates
Grouping: Sum the values and display one line for the chosen period  group.
DaysTillBk: Number of days between the first revision and the accepted revision been created (ie between quote and booking)
Received: Payments received from client to date
The last two rows give an overall conversion (quote to booking) rate, and the average per person booking value.

Supplier Bookings:-
Find all bookings for a given supplier. See also the "Bed / Bookings per Hotel" report. 

Itinerary Info:-
Report on the distinct itineraries (destinations / hotels) and value included in quotes or bookings for the given booking or departure date range.  

Quote report :-
List all Quote Revisions and, optionally, Unconfirmed Bookings created between given dates for the selected member(s) of staff. 

Service Type :-
Reports sales per service type (i.e. Flights, Hotels,...).

Staff Activity:-
Report on the quotes, revisions and  bookings created between the given dates by each member of staff.

TORS invoices :-
Report the fees for use of the reservation system in any given month. 
If the selected month is in the future, the report for that month is an estimated value based on the current departures in that month.
Invoice date : pick any date within the month, the exact day is ignored.
Months : Report will also be run for this number of months from the Invoice Date
The BAS line indicates the fixed month charge ("Base fee") ; the sell column on this line is the total value of your sales in the previous month, the "TORS fee" displays the Base Fee payable.
Each OPT line indicates the charge for optional modules or upgrades.
Each line with a booking number is a holiday booked in the full month prior to the invoice month, sell column is the value of the holiday, TORS Fee is the transaction fee payable for this booking.
The total amount payable/paid is displayed in the Total lines at the bottom of the table.
If the holiday is not yet confirmed, it will be listed with a zero transaction fee, this helps give an idea of likely increases to the charges (but note that possible increases to the base fee are not shown).
For any queries about the  payable by your tour operator fee consult your copy of the contract ("client agreement"), or contact the help desk.
[The report does not actually indicate if a given monthly invoice has, in fact, been paid, or the amount that was paid (if it differed from the expected amount) - for any queries about actual payments, contact the help desk.]

Transfers Required:-
Required transfers, e.g. to send to transfer supplier instead of/for backup to individual booking requests.