Tour-Operator Reservation System for Tailor-made Holidays

Documentation: Holidays - Service Edit

The service edit screen is displayed by clicking on the "Manual Service" button in the Holiday Services tab, or by clicking the edit link on an individual service.

[At present the same screen is shared by all service types - it is probable that at some point it will be redesigned to have a separate screen for each service type, but this will not affect how it is used].

Type : This is one of the service types described in the Holiday introduction  - this is required.

Source : MAN: you will enter all pricing and other details - the supplier must still be listed in the database (to enable tracking supplier payments and for reporting). AUT: the system will price this service based on the selected details - contracts must be loaded to cover the chosen dates. You can switch a service between MAN and AUT at any time - however, rather than setting to MAN to override default pricing it is normally preferable to add a Service Adjuster as described in the Holiday Services Tab section, this makes it easier to compare to supplier invoices, and allows reporting on the changes.

Start : This is relevant for car hire and excursions, which may start on any date. For hotel and tours the date is calculated automatically, so you need not set it, but you may set the date to re-order a service.  
Depending on your settings the date may be allowed to be outside the itinerary date range (e.g. before the departure date!) - such services will be highlighted in the service listing.

Duration : This is optional (for hotels and tours it will default to 1 night or the duration specified for the selected service). It is specified as a number and a type e.g. 1 night or 15 minute.  Note that decimals are not allowed, so half an hour is specified as 30 minute - the client documentation templates can convert the value into the best display format.

Start time and end time : Optional. Specify when the service starts/ends within the service dates. These are often not set until you need to create an itinerary - a duration is enough detail at quote stage. For a service that starts and ends on the same day, the duration given by the start and end date may conflict with the duration specified by the duration inputs - the system does not attempt to verify that they match; the client documentation will normally use the start time and the duration dialog, but this depends on your documentation design. For AUT services, the system may pick up a time from the loaded contract - this may ubsequently be altered if needed.

For Pax Groups : By default a services only applies to the Pax Group it is created for. However in some cases you want several pax groups to share the same service (so the cost is divided between the sharing groups). Examples are Minibus hire for a larger groups where some of those  groups are singles or require different room types; or parents and children with the children having separate rooms in one hotel but sharing a suite in another.

Supplier:  Required. The code for the service supplier (unlike the auto hotel creator partial names are not accepted). The supplier must be configured as providing the selected service type. There are two special supplier types in the drop down:-
  • NOSVC: indicates that the selected Pax Group(s) do not receive any service for the duration specified. This is particularly useful where one Pax Group is starting their holiday later than the others, since all dates are calculated from the departure date you can add a NOSVC for the dates between the holiday departure date and this groups departure date.
  • BYCLI: indicates a service that is booked directly by the client. Note that you can set the hotel location/airports (as indicated below) so that automated transfers can be applied.
The " @ " button next to the supplier code will update the supplier service list (e.g. display the available room types and other options for a hotel - see below). The supplier and service type inputs must not be empty. You should only need to use this if you change the supplier or service type.

Description : This describes the service to be supplied by the supplier. The description is shown both to the client (on quote, invoice, itinerary, voucher) and to the supplier (requesting, voucher). When you select services using the service list (see below) it is set automatically, but you will typically want to make it apply to your client (e.g. changing "Standard Room" to "Twin Bed Standard Room", - this depends on the options created by your data loaders). For MAN services you must provide the description.

Meal selects the meal basis . This is set automatically for AUT services based on the service selected in the Services List (see below). For MAN services, use the selector to set the relevant meal basis. Note that this selector is still available in AUT mode but changing this selector does not affect the pricing - use the Services List for that.
If the basis you require is not listed ask your data loader to add it.
[Currently the system will only pick up the default meal type for a supplier and may not automatically reflect e.g. a Full Board supplement, so you need to select FB manually - please submit a feature request if this is an issue].

The services list : For an AUT service this tells the system which options (e.g. room type) to price for. You can also use this for a MAN service if desired and if the supplier has any services listed for the applicable dates, but it doesn't provide many benefits.
The listing displays:-
  •  a quantity box with increase/decrease buttons (you can type in the quantity manually also)
  • An "=" that will set qantity of this option to 1, and all other options to 0
  • The option description, flags and an example price. Oblig TRUE indicates that the option will be added automatically for stays within dates when a price is defined (often used for Peak period supplements). Per Stay TRUE indicates that the price is not multiplied by the duration. Req indicates other options that must also be selected (and will be automatically added) if this option is added.
When you add a new service using the Auto hotel selector, or have source AUT, the default service assigned by your data loader will be picked (with quantity 1), otherwise a random option is picked. 

Buy , Sell, Tax part:  The costs of this service in your operating currency to you and to the client respectively; these include the tax value as set in Tax Part. Note that setting the Tax is generally only of interest if you are selling to an agent and wish to not give commission on the tax; however your data loaders may have chosen to separate out, for instance, tourist taxes, anyway, since it makes it easier to match loaded prices against the actual contract. For an AUT service these are set automatically by converting the supplier rates at the current exchange rate, and you cannot override (except by setting the source to MAN). For a MAN service you must set Buy and Sell, Tax part default to 0.
Note that these should not be updated from quoted values to reflect actual payments to the supplier; the ledger is the correct place for the actual payment value - see the related note in the Ledger documentation .

Supplier , Rack , Net : Sets the currency that the supplier contract is in, the rack (public) rate, and the Net rate (amount you will pay the supplier).  For an AUT service these are the contract rates loaded by your data loader (rack rate may be the same as net rate if the supplier provided tour operator only pricing).  For a MAN service, these values will default to your operating currency and the Buy/Sell set above - however you should enter exactly the currency and rates used by the supplier so that it can be matched the suppliers invoices.
Note that these should not be updated from quoted values to reflect actual payments to the supplier; the ledger is the correct place for the actual payment value - see the related note in the  Ledger documentation .

Per Pax : If True, the buy/sell values are multiplied by the number of people in the assigned pax groups. For AUT services this is set automatically and cannot be changed.

Paid By : If VOU, then the client will be charged as part of the holiday sale price. Set to CLI to indicate that the client will pay the supplier directly. For AUT services this will be set to the default provided by your data loader; otherwise it defaults to VOU; 

FLT/XFR Group : This input only applies (and must only be set) when the service type is FLT or XFR. It sets the seat class for the flight or transfer. For a automatically created or AUT flights/transfers, you should use this (rather than the service list), to pick and cost a different class - the class must have pricing loaded by your data loaders - who will let you know the available classes. 

FLT Group : This only applies when service type is FLT. It sets the flight number; for AUT flights it is set automatically from data provided by your data loaders - however it may be a generic code (e.g ATnnn instead of AT234), in which case you will wnat to override at before you generate invoice/itinerary/voucher's. 

BYCLI Group: This group applies when the supplier is BYCLI, and the service type is HTL. It is used to tell the system where the hotel booked by the client is, thus allowing transfers to be automatically generated to/from the hotel. It may be useful to set even if automatic transfers are not required, for your own reference.

CAR Group : This group applies only when the service type is CAR. It selects the car type that is required. for AUT cars you should use this rather than trying to select the appropriate type from within the service list. Available groups depend on those loaded by your data loaders for the selected supplier.

EXC Group : This group applies only for EXC services. Select the location (destination) of the excursion, including location type. For instance it may may a hotel code and type HO for a cookery course at a hotel; or a place code and type PL for a visit to that place. For AUT services this is picked up from the setup provided by your data loaders.

FLT/XFR/CAR/TRN/TOR Group :This group applies only when the service type is one of these listed types. It sets the start and end point for the service. For AUT types this is set automatically. For a transfer you may specify the hotel, and the system will search for pricing specific to the hotel or fallback to pricing for the hotels location. For CAR this indicates the pickup/drop off points, and for AUT services may cause delivery/pickup charges to be applied; as with transfers you can specify a hotel as destination and the system will fallback to the nearest destination with available pricing. For FLT/TRN/FRY you should obviously select AP/RW/FY location type respectively.

Click "add/update services" to apply changes (indicated by red triangles), or cancel to abort changes. If an error occurs (for instance no pricing available for the selected service for the chosen dates), an error message is displayed describing the error. Correct as required.