Tour-Operator Reservation System for Tailor-made Holidays

Documentation: Admin - Payment Methods


When entering a payment from a customer into the Ledger, the payment is assigned to one of the Payment Methods that has been added to the holiday. This allows the source (e.g. if credit card or cheque, and a partial reference number) to be recorded, for tracking purposes. It also allows the system to know if it should apply/expect/display transaction fees (supplementary charges intended to cover the extra cost of a particular way of receiving money from the client).

The Payments Method administration controls with methods are available in the Holiday Payment Methods Tab, and a default transaction fee to use.

Each combination of Payment type (e.g. Credit card) and issuer (e.g. Visa) is unique, allowing a different transaction fee to be specified for each issuer of a particular payment type.

The default_trans_fee_pc preference
If using transaction fees, they will normally need to be displayed on quotes. However, at that time the payment method is not known. You may choose to list every defined Payment Method and associated fee; or you may prefer to point out the most common fee. The default_trans_fee_pc preference is used to store that common fee. Each quote automatically calculates an example fee based on that percentage, or for a booking, the example fee for the remaining balance.
See the Preference documentation for details about setting preferences.

[There is no audit log of changes to Default Payment Methods; short notes can be stored in the description field]

Adding a new Default Payment Method

You cannot create another entry that has the same Type and Issuer as an existing entry, even if the existing entry is disabled.
  1. You will need to be an Administrator and not have the read-only flag set
  2. Click on the "Admin" tab in the Application Toolbar
  3. Click on the "Default Payment Method" button
  4. Click on the top row (whose id is '+')
  5. Complete the fields as defined below; it will default to Enabled.
  6. Press Save

Editing a Default Payment method

When a payment method is added to a holiday, the chosen method is found in this table and the default transaction fee retrieved. The holiday does not then subsequently check for changes such as new new transaction fee or the method been disabled. As such, edits to existing payment methods do not affect holidays that are already using the edited method.
  1. You will need to be an Administrator and not have the read-only flag set
  2. Click on the "Admin" tab in the Application Toolbar
  3. Click on the "Default Payment Method" button
  4. Click on the required method
  5. Update fields as needed
  6. Press Save

Viewing available Default Payment Methods and transaction fees

You do not need to be an administrator to view the Default Payment Method entries.
  1. Click on the "Admin" tab in the Application Toolbar
  2. Click on the "Default Payment Method" button

Default Payment Method Fields

Pay Type : Select a process. Other Holiday can be used if you wish to allow moving balances between holidays

Issuer : Enter a name for the company related to the Pay Type; e.g. for a credit card it might be Visa. For Other holidays it will normally be your name. For gift vouchers it will be the voucher seller - possibly yourself.

Fee % : The default transaction fee that will be applied to any payment that uses the given Pay Type and Issuer. The value set here can be changed within the individual Holiday  Payment Method Item.

Description : for internal reference

Disabled : Select "Yes" to disallow this Pay Type and Issuer combination as future Payment Methods.
