Tour-Operator Reservation System for Tailor-made Holidays

Documentation: Admin - Export Attachments


When sending documentation such as an itinerary to the customer, it is often useful to add other read-made documents that apply to all customers.

This features allows an attachment to be added to an exported email, when certain conditions are met.

Only attachments onto Holiday export emails are supported.

To define a new attachment, enter the Admin tab and pick Export Attachments. In the Attachments list, click the first row with id '+ Add new'.

To edit an existing attachment definition, enter the listing as above, and click on the row corresponding to the definition to be altered.

Press Save when done. If all fields have been correctly and fully entered, the edit dialog will be closed and the export listing updated; otherwise an error/status message will be displayed.

The URL column in the listing screen displays the last segment of the URL, which is normally the attachment filename; enter the edit screen to see the complete URL.

The main export type (e.g. itinerary, invoice or quote) must be selected. Optionally an alternative type may also be selected (e.g. Itinerary for Driver), if it is not then the attachment will apply to all exports of the selected type.

A location/supplier must be selected; the attachment will be added when the selected location or supplier is part of the holiday itinerary been exported; alternatively select Tour Operator and the appropriate Operator code, to have the attachment added for all exports for that operator.

A Service Type may optionally be selected, if selected the itinerary must include the selected type at the hotel/provided by the supplier chosen earlier. If left empty, the attachment will be added for all service types.

The Attach URL specifies the location of the attachment. It must be accessible from the TORS.Travel system, and must be a valid URL to be attached successfully. If the file is updated on the server the new copy will be used without any update required to the configuration, depending on the correct setup of the document host.

A private note may be entered as required.

If the attachment is no longer required, set Disabled to Yes.
